Journalism for Discriminated More than 40 Million None Persian Iranians from vary ethnic groups

I am looking for updated and better education in journalism to help Azeri ethnicities in Iran. There are more than 22 to 35 million Azeries but they are under the discrimination. The Iranian Persian do not allow not only for Azeris but also for other Iranian as Arabs, Kurds, Turkmans, Baluchies, Sistanies, Lors, and so on to have their own schools, their own book in there own languages, their own histories, their own policies, their own economies, and ... even their own religions.

What do you think? Do you think they are free and equal with Persians who imposed their culture, language, politics, economies, and every thing? If the one of those ethnic groups asks his or her Human right to study in his or her mother tongue, the Persian accused him or her by Separatism and call them Minority; with out even basic rights and they should immigrate from Iran. But it is accepted that some of those ethnics are the original of Iran and Persians themselves came emigrate from upper Russia.

When I was in my homeland; Azerbaijan of Iran, I was doing my best by professional journalism job to tell the world and Azeries themselves what are going there and why they are not developed as developed the dominated Persians. There for I was researching all the time and all of my repots was investigative journalism.

And I was studying it at the journalism university in Tehran. But the regime did not allow me to continue my master degree at the university there. At the same time, I was the 10 in the group of applicants in official entrance tests.

The Iranian more than 40 millions people have not their own Written and serous Media, TVs, Radios, even their journalists. I was there voices. There for they kept me in maximum security prison in sell for 74 days. They questioned me on more then 500 questions. I was accused by 16 charges.

When I ran away from Iran to Turkey and then Canada, the USA’s radios who broadcast to Iran and I was working for them when I was in Iran, did not accept me. Why? Because, I wasn’t born Persian. I was born Azeri. It is itself is a charge. You can see it in Persians intellectual arguments. Even in the presidential election’s discourses and there are many educated opposite letter to some of the candidates to stop speaking of Iranian ethnics’ basic rights as studying in their mother languages as the second language not the official language in there provinces.


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