We are not safe in Canada


We are not safe in Canada

 As you can see on the photo, there is an Iranian man on a Toronto street waving an Iranian Revolutionary Guard cap at passersby.

Most Iranians who live in Canada, especially in Ontario, fled to Canada to escape from the Iranian government's unlawful and criminal behaviors.

The Revolutionary Guard continues to kill and torture people in Iran and is looking to do the same to the Iranian regime's opposition here in Canada. 

The Revolutionary Guard is showcasing its power and saying to the Iranians in Canada, “we are here and we are watching  you.”

How can Canadian citizens feel safe if Revolutionary Guard members are allowed to be in Canada and intimidate the regime's opposition?

Canada's government needs to address this urgent security issue.

These Revolutionary Guard members have the funds to immigrate to Canada, but should we trade our lives, safety and freedoms for their money?

Ensafali Hedayat
